Targeted therapy against senescence

Established in 2018, StarkAge Therapeutics is at the forefront of biotechnology, with the mission to selectively destroy senescent cells associated with age-related diseases. Our goal: to significantly improve the quality and length of life.

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StarkAge Therapeutics : Focus on senescence

StarkAge Therapeutics is a pioneering privately held discovery-stage biotechnology company based in Lille, France. It was founded by Dr. Thierry Mathieu, with scientific support from Dr. Müge Ogrunc, based on the idea that eliminating disease specific senescent cells using targeted therapy could deliver significant benefits to patients.

Mounting evidence in literature confirms senescent cell accumulation as a hallmark in various aged-related diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic dysfunction or hepatic fibroses. Moreover, senescent cells are accumulated during cancer treatment and are related to  tumor relapse, drug resistance and many others side effects for patients. In this way, StarkAge Therapeutics identifies specific targets of senescent cells and develops therapies to eradicate side effects associated to senescent cancer cells.

The French government has granted StarkAge Therapeutics with the “Jeune Entreprise Innovante” label in recognition for its innovative research. In addition, BPIfrance (the “Banque Publique d’Investissement”) has supported our research pipeline with an initial grant in 2019. In 2021 they granted the prestigious Deeptech label and significant additional non-dilutive financial support.

StarkAge Therapeutics: Pioneering the Fight Against Age-Related Diseases

Each year, nearly 60 million people die from non-communicable chronic diseases, all of which are linked to aging, according to the World Health Organization. Significant progress has been made in recent decades in understanding the molecular mechanisms behind age-related pathologies, particularly cellular senescence. The persistent accumulation of senescent cells has been identified as a major contributor to the aging process.

At StarkAge Therapeutics, we were the first to develop an alternative method for depleting senescent cells in age-related diseases. Our approach utilizes targeted therapy with patented monoclonal antibodies, a part of our extensive patent family. We believe that selective destruction of senescent cells is crucial for achieving successful clinical outcomes, which will lead to a significant increase in healthy lifespan.

Our unique expertise stems from our proprietary biomarker discovery platform, which enables precise characterization of senescent cells biomarkers, facilitating the development of targeted and effective therapies. 

Currently, our lead program is focused on cancer

Through this innovative approach, StarkAge Therapeutics is establishing itself as a leader in the biotechnology field, dedicated to combating age-related diseases.


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